Houcine Chafouk

University of Rouen Normandy ESIGELEC/IRSEEM

Houcine Chafouk ESIGELEC/IRSEEM, University of Rouen, Normandy, France senior member IEEE, is professor at ESIGELEC and Researcher at IRSEEM / University of Rouen Normandy, France, obtained a doctorate in automation at the University of Nancy, Lorraine, France in 1990, then he joined the same year the engineering school ESIGELEC, Rouen. From 2000 to 2008, he held the position of director of research and head of the research team in automation and systems. Since 2000, he has supervised around thirty doctoral, post-doctoral and HDR students who have carried out their research within IRSEEM or with international partners. He also participated in thesis juries as rapporteur (25 thesis) and examiner (20 thesis). Author and co-author of more than 250 research articles (publications and communications) in the fields of advanced control systems, diagnostics and fault tolerant control applied to the fields of renewable energy, automotive and aerospace.